3 ways to find the bicaval transthoracic view.:
The principle to understand is that the SVC has a anterior position in the
chest and the IVC has a more posterior in the abdomen.
First .: You start above the right clavicle to visualize the SVC then you
angulate slowly posteriorly to see the IVC in the bicaval view.
Second.: You start from the subcostal view to visualize the IVC then you
angulate slowly anteriorly to see the SVC in the bicaval view.
Third.: You start from an horizontal view of the Right ventricle 2
chambers then you make an anterior move to find the SVC and angled
slowly posteriorly to see the bicaval view .
4CH view by apical using an up and down sweep
Coronary Sinus:
Classical 4CH:
P.V andASC. Aorta:
Aortic Arch:
4CH view by subcostal using an up and down sweep
LV and RV Hand Drawing Method
This is a rapid drawing (7 sec LV, 5 sec RV) of the bull eye for the WMS.
The technician or doctor do the manual drawing before the exam and fill up during the exam.
The technician or doctor do the manual drawing before the exam and fill up during the exam.
LV Rapid Manual Drawing
(7 Sec)
RV-LV Rapid Manual Drawing
(12 sec)
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Inferior Infarction